Label: "european commission"

December 21, 2023 10:05

Hungary is the only country to oppose the EU wind initiative

Chinese interests suspected in the background

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
December 15, 2023 11:01

Hungarian economy functions also without EU funds - Orbán

Brüsszelből jelentkezett be a miniszterelnök.

európai bizottság berlaymont
December 14, 2023 08:59

European Commission unblocks €10.2 billion of cohesion funds for Hungary

Judicial reform found to be sufficient to meet horizontal eligibility criteria

December 13, 2023 21:10

Commission nods on Hungary's airport purchase, portal reports stalled talks

Ministry official says longer negotiations are natural with such a mammoth deal

December 13, 2023 15:51

EU to set up new watchdog to combat money laundering

AMLA is born

Ursula von der Leyen Europai Parlament per jogallamisag, újrafelhasználható, forrás: Európai Unió, az Európai Bizottság médiatára
December 13, 2023 15:40

Four large EP groups want EU funds for Hungary blocked at least until 10 January

They are also concerned about new sovereignty protection law

December 13, 2023 09:29

Hungarian government sets conditions for vote on Ukraine funding

The PM's political director provided some insight in a recent interview

December 12, 2023 17:25

Commission yet to approve payment of cohesion funds, Hungarian Parliament must act

Although it is widely believed that EU funds can now be released, not all conditions have been met

brusszel europai unio
December 01, 2023 09:13

Hungary may have moved closer to freeing up some frozen EU funds - again

But there is still, as always, a lot of uncertainty

Johannes Hahn Europai Bizottssag koltsegvetesi biztos
November 30, 2023 14:58

Tough message from Brussels: Budapest has not done enough to unblock EU funds

Johannes Hahn says there's no negotiation ongoing

November 27, 2023 10:03

Hungary among EU countries with falling real wages

By EU standards, Hungarian wages have grown fast, but their purchasing power has also fallen fast due to inflation

villanyora aram elektromos
November 24, 2023 12:20

Budapest promises EU to restructure overheads reduction scheme

New pricing may be deployed that could benefit many consumers

charles michel orbán viktor
November 24, 2023 09:41

Council President to meet Hungarian PM Orbán in Budapest

Charles Michel to arrive on Monday, seeking a deal ahead of December summit

brusszel europai unio
November 23, 2023 12:19

Hungary close to receiving nearly EUR 1 billion in EU funds

€4.6 billion REPowerEU chapter endorsed after positive assessment of modified RRP

eb európai bizottság európai unió eu
November 23, 2023 11:25

Commission clears transfer of EUR 1 billion EU funds to Hungary

Amendment of Recovery and Resilience Plan approved

európai unió, európai bizottság, eu, brüsszel
November 22, 2023 09:16

European Commission: Hungary among member states facing imbalances

2024 European Semester cycle of economic policy coordination launched

Didier Reynders
November 22, 2023 08:24

EU Justice Commissioner: Hungary has not yet met all the conditions

"Some questions remain open" and the developments will be closely monitored

európai bizottság, európai unió, EU,
November 20, 2023 21:21

European Commission responds to Hungary's new national consultation

Spokesman says allegations are "completely untrue", billboards leave von der Leyen "completely unfazed"